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Comprehensive Services To Maintain The Health Of Your Smile

Enjoy The Convenience And Comfort Of A Dentist Skilled In All Facets Of Dentistry

To keep your smile healthy and to enhance overall wellness, our dentist office offers comprehensive general dentistry services as well as extended services. Patients of Dr. Bruce Trimble, an experienced dentist in Menomonie, WI, can receive the quality dental care they have come to expect for everything from tooth extractions to treatment for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder. Feel free to contact our dentist office to schedule a free consultation to discuss your oral health concerns. Dr. Trimble wants to make dental care convenient for you, and that’s why we offer an extensive array of services, which include the following:

Dr. Trimble’s work keeps our family coming back!

Family hygiene saves me time in our busy schedule.

  • General dentists perform root canals when the pulp of the tooth is infected.
  • The dentist removed the infected pulp, and fills its canal.
  • We then prepare the remaining tooth structure is cover it with a crown.
  • Dental extractions may be performed to remove a hopeless tooth damaged by injury, decay, or infection.
  • Our Menomonie, WI dentist performs both types of tooth extraction, simple and surgical.
  • Wisdom teeth are third molars that erupt in early adulthood.
  • Impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth can cause pain, and in some cases, crowding of the surrounding teeth.
  • General dentists often recommend tooth extraction for wisdom teeth to prevent further complications and preserve the health of your smile.
  • For patients who want to replace missing teeth but are not good candidates for dental implants, dentures provide a safe, affordable option.
  • Dentures are custom designed prosthetics that can replace a single tooth, multiple missing teeth, or a complete arch.
  • Our general dentist in Menomonie, WI, can create beautiful dentures for you — no one will ever know they are not your natural teeth.
  • Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, can cause extreme wear to the teeth and result in gum recession.
  • Our dentist in Menomonie offers solutions to help you prevent teeth grinding, even while you sleep.
  • TMJ is a condition affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles.
  • It is characterized by symptoms such as jaw pain, hearing clicking or popping noises when opening the mouth, lock jaw, and headaches.
  • Our Menomonie dentist offers treatment for mild to severe TMJ, including at-home, noninvasive remedies.

As part of your routine dental care in Menomonie, WI, our dentist office offers regular dental hygiene cleanings, recommended at least every six months, to keep your teeth in great shape. In addition to removal of plaque and tartar, this visit is about making sure nothing bad is going on in your mouth. It also gives us a chance to see if there are any areas of your mouth that require further examination, as a form of preventive dentistry. While you are at our dentist office for your checkups, ask about teeth whitening and our other forms of cosmetic dentistry.

We provide dental care to adults in Menomonie, WI, but did you know we also serve children? It is important to establish a great dental hygiene regime early to prevent issues later on. That’s where our dentist office comes in! We can educate your child on what it takes to keep their smile in tip-top shape.

Today, many patients inquire about cosmetic dentistry procedures such as teeth whitening. At our dentist office, we offer in-office or at-home teeth whitening procedures as well as porcelain veneer placement. We provide full-service dental care in Monemonie, and that includes beautifying your smile.

Our implant dentist can fix those gaps in your smile with dental implants. Dental implants are permanent replacements for missing teeth, implanted directly into your jaw. If you have many missing teeth or you are unhappy with your dentures, consider All-on-4 dental implants.

We offer a full slate of cosmetic dentistry procedures, including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, All-on-4 and Smile Makeovers.

Our goal is to provide dental care that helps you keep your natural teeth beautiful and healthy throughout your lifetime. Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Bruce Trimble in Menomonie, WI, to experience better dental care.